Our Story:

After years of working with traditional insurance agencies, a group of industry-specific, like-minded business owners decided enough was enough. Seeing constant increases, pushes to buy more and more services, and certain hard-selling agents with no specific reasons as to “why,” they came together in 2020 to form their own insurance agency: an agency that would work for them and other like-minded business owners. Now we work for you.

EIG is owned by commercial business owners, NOT insurance business owners.

Insurance agencies love to talk about how much they care for their client and put their client first. In reality, many times the client comes third: first, the agency’s bottom line; second, their carrier relationships that help increase the bottom line; and third, you.

At EIG, we truly put the client first because we LITERALLY work for our clients. All traditional insurance agencies provide good service, or they wouldn’t be in business. However, they tend to provide blanket product offerings focused on growing blocks of business with those carriers to enrich their own bottom line, but those offerings likely do not provide the unique solutions specific to most client needs.

Anyone can service a client – that’s the easy part – but that’s not the point.

We are part of a conglomerate of companies – a spoke in the cog of an ecosystem of success. We are not a company growing in a silo; therefore, even if our financial gain is sacrificed we will do what’s best for our client.

We have a mutual mindset, not a stockholder mindset. Clients truly come first. And we’re excited for you to be part of our team.